Who's a Hulloo call for?
A Hulloo call is for anyone and that includes you! A Hulloo can be good for lots of reasons. Here's just a start:
Those who could use a boost ... hey don't we all!
​Anyone wanting a goal-setting motivational call
Older folk who would benefit from a frequent check-in call
Travelers missing a friendly voice (we're all travelers in this world!)
Students with studies to rehearse
Someone having a special occasion and could use a Hulloo call
A Hulloo call keeps us connected and connection can help us stay healthier.* Sounds good to us. Let's start saying Hulloo!
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Keep your mental health in check with a scheduled Hulloo call. Book 1 Hulloo, or a bunch, for yourself or someone you know.
Text messages are fine but there's something about hearing someone's voice. We want to hear yours! Hulloo, how are you?